
Three Girls In The Garden Blog

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Hello and welcome! I’m Teresa. As a stay-at-home mom of two little girls (2 girls and me = Three Girls), I found my happiest moments were in the yard with my girls. And that is where the blog name Three Girls in the Garden originates!

When my oldest was about 18 months old, realization struck as I stood with her on our 1/4 acre of grass – – A yard of grass held no excitement or life. And that needed to change!

I began throwing in pretty plants, doing some research, tearing plants out, redoing beds, putting in more flower beds, tearing out plants, and on and on it went. I loved the process even though it was a crazy back and forth of successes and failures.

7 years later and I’m still working on our yard with my 2 little helpers digging along side of me. A garden is never really done. And that’s the best part!

Gardens are alive. They grow and change. Gardening is all in how you make it. It can be calm and simple, wild and crazy or trimmed and tame. Our gardens should reflect us. And like us, they too can change with the seasons.

Three Girls In The Garden Blog is Born

I personally favor a wilder garden – – cottage garden style. Flowers, flowers and more flowers are my favorite. I get excited for butterflies, crazy excited for hummingbirds (they are like unicorns, to us), and feel a sense of peace and satisfaction that my small backyard eco-system is helping bees thrive. One day I’d love to add a bee hive … and chickens!

I love being outside and cherish the moments I have with my girls in our yard learning how to grow and cultivate, how to maximize our land for self-sufficiency.

As a stay-at-mom, time and money aren’t always on my side. But I make it work. Growing from seed, buying clearance, and dividing plants has made my garden what it is.

If you are new to gardening or if your entourage doesn’t allow you the time to devote to gardening, yet you love beautiful gardens and the idea of building your self-sufficiency, you are in the right place!

Three Girls in the Kitchen

When the weather turns and we are forced back inside (I hate winter but am working towards a more positive mindset) we switch gears and start baking bread, cookies, and anything else that looks like fun. Nina, my 7 year old, has requested we try our hands at making bagels (I live for bagels and coffee). So, why not?!

I cherish the time spent with my girls, and while playing pretend and make believe is near torture for me (sorry but it’s true), I love spending time with them in the kitchen. I’ve unknowingly started traditions of making sugar cookie numbers for birthday, rabbits at Easter and hearts for Valentine’s Day. I love when I hear my kids say “It’s a tradition!”.

My best memories growing up are being in the kitchen with my mom and sisters baking at Christmas, and I hope to give that to my kids as well.

Three Girls in the Home

Our home is cozy (that’s code for small, clearly). We love it because it’s home.

It doesn’t need to be grand or fancy. We are not fancy people. Okay, I’m not fancy. My girls, however, are fancy all the way! Simple decorating, loads of houseplants and the smell of fresh baked bread make our place a happy home.

Homegrown Happiness with Three Girls in the Garden Blog

I used to dream of living a simple life on a big farm, all within 10 minutes of Target. I’ve come to realize I don’t need the big farm to live the life I want. I can do it right here in the suburbs where we are close to our family, friends, school, and of course, Target.

I want my kids to know how to grow their own food and how to prepare it. And I want to help our small backyard eco-system by harvesting our rainwater, planting for the pollinators, and growing or raising our food right here, right where we live in the suburbs.

My goal is to make the most out of what we have and live a more sustainable, homegrown and happy life. I hope you’ll join us on our blog at Three Girls as we work in the garden, bake in the kitchen, and find happiness in the home. Because you can, too!

If you’re interested in baking, gardening, and making the most of your home, check us out on Instagram.

If you have any questions, I’m always happy to talk!

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