
Deer Fence for the Garden

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Our yard is no stranger to deer. While we have a 5′ perimeter fence deer fence, it does little if anything to deter the deer that frequent the yard. Three years ago we installed a new vegetable garden. It is glorious but not quite big enough. So this year, being the land of fences, we installed yet another fence. A very pretty, very simple, black deer fence for our second garden. Or, the “Fruit Bar,” as my daughter calls it.

Keep Deer Out of the Garden

unpainted rail fence in progress of being built

We chose to use basic 4×4 posts and a simple 1×6 dog-eared fence boards for the rails. The dog-ear was cut off and we ran the boards horizontal to mimic the look of the ranch fencing all over Virginia (my sister lives there – – it’s gorgeous!).

We really are the land of fencing. It’s ridiculous. If I could go back to the beginning I would unify the fences, but life and budgets happen and it wasn’t in the cards at the time. Now the goal is to simply keep the deer out of the garden as best we can.

Soooo, we have a few (6 to be exact) different fences back here. The black painted deer fence for the fruit garden may be my favorite.

painted black fence for the fruit garden
painted black fence for the fruit garden

This deer fencing is the back corner of our property. It is 5′ tall, and yes, deer can jump it. The trick to keep deer out without using 8′ fencing is to keep the space tight. They don’t like to jump into confined areas. This simple fence design encloses about a 10×9 space.

painted black fence for the fruit garden

This “Fruit Bar” garden will be home to our blackberry patch. Blackberries do crazy well for me. They are so much fun to eat right off the plant. The kids clean off the ripe berries long before they’d make it inside.

Rabbits don’t seem to eat blackberry plants so it’s not a problem that smaller critters can walk right through.

This year, however, was a loss for the blackberries due to transplanting. I cut the plants way back to about 6″ in order to keep them alive after transplanting. They didn’t like being moved. All the plants survived but we forfeited a year’s worth of berries in the process which is a bummer.

Here’s to next year!

Simple Deer Fence for Gardens

The deer are a constant struggle, but while they can easily jump 6 or more feet, they don’t jump into closed off areas. With this small garden only measuring in at 10′ x 9′, the deer aren’t inclined to put themselves into tight quarters. Plus, they need a safe space to land and the blackberries surround the whole perimeter on the inside of the garden. Another reason they won’t jump.

How to Keep Deer Out of the Garden

If deer mowing down your plants are an issue, there are many different fencing strategies. I have tried sprays, repellants, granules, and the most ridiculous of them all, two red flashing lights that claimed to look like a predator…it doesn’t.

Two options work:

Privacy Fencing for Deer Control

In my neighborhood, we are only allowed a 6′ max on fencing in our backyards. So, anything higher is out. While deer can easily jump 6′, they want to know what they’re jumping into. If they can’t see the other side, they don’t tend to jump.

I say “don’t tend to jump” because there could be an odd occasion where if they were being hunted (not possible in my area) or chased coyotes (possible) they may jump the fence to get away.

However, my next door neighbor has had 0 deer in her backyard with her 6′ privacy fence. I have a 5′ open fence and they jump in like it’s nothing.

Small Fencing for Gardens

I have found this to be the best deterrent to deer in my yard. Our 2 small deer fences for the gardens work. I’ve never had a breach in the 3 years we have had them.

Yard Fencing Ideas

I will say, if I could do it again, I would not have had the black metal yard fencing installed. Instead, I would have gone with a 6′ privacy fence. I didn’t know how bad the deer were at the time and I preferred the look of the metal fencing. Lesson learned.

If you are looking for a whole yard fence and you’d like to keep deer out, I recommend a privacy fence.

Do you need a garden fence for deer for a larger garden? You’re going to have to go as high as you’re allowed. If you are fencing in a smaller flower or vegetable garden (my vegetable garden is 12′ x 24′) than 5′ seems to be enough.

If you’re on the fence (pun not actually intended!) about growing a garden, just start! Pick your favorite fruit, vegetable, flower, and pop it in a sunny spot and see what happens. You may just find a love a gardening that brings more joy than you could have imagined!

I hope this helps answer any questions you may have had if you’re looking into growing a simple garden and need to keep out deer. They are a pain!

Let me know if this was helpful or if you’d like any other ideas on fencing. There are more pests out there and this fence won’t keep out rabbits or stray cats (take a guess how I know).

I’m also on Instagram if you like that sort of thing:). Thanks for stopping by!

black rail fence with flower garden in front

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