Christmas Gift Tags Printable
Each Christmas season I look forward to purchasing wrapping paper and making coordinating Christmas gift tags. And this year I’m sharing my Christmas gift tags with a free printable! I am an absolute sucker for a beautifully wrapped gift. Don’t even care what’s inside. I just love packaging!
If you love all things packaging, you’ll love the free printable Christmas gift tags. Okay, even if you don’t love packaging, but have to wrap anyway because, well, we’re moms and it’s what we do, you’ll still get great use out of these free printable gift tags!

I recommend printing gift tags on 65# cardstock or higher. Most home printers can easily handle 65#. That’s what I used. You can cut the 8 gift tags out in rectangles and hole punch each end, thread ribbon through and tape the ribbon under the gift – – no tying a bow!

Sometimes I just can’t get my bows to lay right so I like to have the option of a gift with ribbon, but without a bow. Yeah, I love wrapping options. I love wrapping. And ribbon. And gift tags.

If bows are more your thing, then use 1 hole punch at the top, snip the corners and you’ll have an adorably festive Christmas gift tag adorning your gifts this Christmas season.

Sizing Christmas Gift Tags
Do you have some big and some small gifts? You have the option to scale up or scale down the size of these gift tags. If you have a huge gift and want a larger tag, scale the print size in your print menu. Try 125% or 150%. If you have a smaller gift and want a smaller tag, scale down the size. Try a 75% scale size. Or just print the Christmas gift tags as is!

Grab your free printable Christmas Gift Tags below, put on some Christmas music, or play the cheesiest Hallmark movie, turn on the Christmas lights, get a hot beverage, and allow yourself the time to wrap gifts and enjoy what the season offers.
Enjoy the Little Moments
I love the peace I feel with the extra lighting, the smells of the extra baking, and the excitement from my girls. If you can, have your partner/spouse take the kids out, or put a movie on in another room, give the kids some popcorn and let them have a special night, too. Make the most of these little moments. Wrapping can be work, but if you set the stage, it can bring you joy, too. And happy memories for years to come.
Merry Christmas friends!